Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Jackson said yesterday when I picked him up from school. "Where my Gabriel" and for the 963rd time I told him he was still in Colorado on a trip. I told him we would be going real soon to go get him. Jack then says " I want to go get my Gabriel today, right now". Needless to say we are missing that boy. I can't wait to see his big brown eyes and squeeze him and rub his super soft chubby earlobes. Like Gabe, Jack has become quite the snuggler.... Jackson will tell me "momma nuggle me, nuggle me" and then he will say squeeze me. It's sooo freaking cute. Every day when he gets home from daycare he strips down to his scivees (is that really the word) and wants his blanket and cup of milk and watch Dragon Tales. But the other day he went to the other room and stripped down like always and then came out and looked at John and said "Mere" which is come here.. and made the finger movement to come to him.. And then he told John "lets nuggle"..We about fell over died right there.
So we leave for Colorado July 30t to get the boy.. We will spend a few days there visiting with Ryan, Nicole, Abby, Ryleigh. We haven't seen them in over a year now so that will be exciting. We will stop in Tribune on the way back to KC and visit with Wayne and Kathy. It will be fair time there. We will also have cutie patooties coming in from FL next week as well for their summer KC vacation. Alisha is bring some R & R (reese and reagan) this way.. Yay!!!


Im in love with these stamped pieces from the vintage pearl. I keep looking and looking and can not decide which one I just really need. Check them out cuz I bet your gonna want one too.. Precious

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Days

Day at the KC zoo
Jack and Sienna making mudpies

A day at Bubbas baseball tournament

A visit from Gpa and Gma Krayca

Just a swinging.... Jack and Sienna are the best of cousins these days...too cute